For Author


The Rangpur Army Medical College Journal (RAMCJ) is a peer reviewed journal will be published in January and July by Rangpur Army Medical College, Rangpur Cantonment. Manu- script should be prepared in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals recommended by the Intemational Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Conditions for submission of manuscript

    • All manuscripts are subject to peer review. 
    • Manuscripts are received with the explicit understanding that they are not under simul- taneous consideration by any other publica- tion.
    • Submission of a manuscript for publication implies the transfer of the copyright from the author to the publisher upon acceptance. Accepted manuscripts become the perma- nent property of the RAMCJ and may not be reproduced by any means in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher.
    • It is the authors responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce illustrations, tables etc. from other publications. .
    • The journal publishes the identity of authors including email addresses of authors.

Ethical aspects

    • Ethical aspect of the study will be very care- fully considered at the time of assessment of the manuscript.
    • Any manuscript that includes any table, illustration or photographs that have been published earlier should accompany a letter of permission for republication from the author(s) of the publication and editor/ publisher of the Journal where it was published earlier.
    • Permission of the patients and/or their fami- lies to reproduce photographs of the patients where identity is not disguised should be sentwith the manuscript. Otherwise the identity will be blackened out.

Preparation of manuscript: Criteria

Information provided in the manuscript are important and likely to be of interest to an interna- tional leadership.


      • Manuscript should be written in English and typed on one side of A4 (290 x 210cm) size white bond paper.
      • Typing font shall be Arial of 12 size. Double spacing should be used throughout.
      • Margin should be 5 cm for the header and 2.5 cm for the remainder
      • Style should be that of modified Vancouver
      • Each of the following section should begin on separate page:

a. Title page
b. Summary abstract

c. Text
d. Acknowledgement e. References
f. Tables and legends

● Pages should be numbered consecutively at the upper right-hand corner of each page beginning with the title page.

Title page

The title page should contain:

● Title of the article (should be concise, infor- mative and self-explanatory)

● Name of each author with highest academic degree

● Institutional affiliation of each author

● Name of the department and institute where the work was carried out

● Name and address of the author to whom RAMCJ Rangpur Army Medical College Journal correspondence regarding manuscript to be made and email address.


      • All articles must have a structured abstract.

      • It should not exceed 200 words and should state the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and principal conclusions of the study.


The text should be divided into sections with the following headings: Introduction. Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion.


The purpose(s) of the study should be clearly stated. Summarize the rationale for the study or observation. Give strictly pertinent refer- ences only, and do not review the subject exten- sively. Do not include data or conclusions from the work being reported.

● Roman numerical in order of text. Page number should be in the lower right corner.

● If abbreviations are to be used, they should be explained in footnotes. The figures and photographs

● Should be used only where data cannot be expressed in any other form

● Should be unmounted, glossy print in sharp focus. 12.7 x 17.3 ems in size.

● Should bear number, title of manuscript. name of corresponding author and arrow indicating the top on a sticky label and affixed on the back of each illustration.


● Must be typed in a separate sheet of paper.

● Photomicrographs should indicate the magni- fication, internal scale and the method of staining.


● All scientific units should be expressed in System International (SI) units.

● All drugs should be inventioned in their generic form. The commercial name may however be used within bracket.


Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that follow from them. Highlight the important/major findings first, then highlight the less-important findings. Do not repeat in detail data or other material give in the Introduction section or the Results section. Relate the observations to other relevant studies. Link the conclusions with the goals of the study, but avoid unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by your data. Avoid claiming priority and alluding to work that has not been completed. State new hypotheses when warranted, but clearly label them as such Recom- mendations, when appropriate, may be included.

Materials and methods:

It should include the place of the study, period, the subjects (number and type), the treatment or intervention and the type of statistical analysis.


Present results of your study in logical sequence in the text, tables, and illustrations. Do not repeat in the text all data in the tables or illustrations, or both: emphasize or summarize only important observations.


During preparation of tables following principles should be followed:

●  Tables should be simple, self-explanatory and should supplement, not duplicate the text.

●  Each table should have a title and typed in double space in separate sheet: ;

●  They should be numbered consecutively with  RAMCJ



The Vancouver system of reference should be used. In the text, reference should be cited using superscripted and numerical. The references should be numbered and listed in order of appearance in the text. Reference to unpublished data and personal communication should not appear in the list but should be cited in the text only (e.g Smith A, 2000, unpublished data). Use ‘et al. after three authors where number of authors is more than six.


Individuals, organizations or bodies may be acknowledged in the article and may include:

●  Name (or a list) of funding bodies.

●  Name of the organization(s) and individual(s) with their consent.

Manuscript submission

Manuscript should be submitted to the Executive Editor and must be accompanied by a covering letter and followings inclusions:

●  A statement regarding the type of article being submitted.

●  A statement that the work has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

●  A statement of financial or other relationships that might lead to a conflict of interests.

●  A statement that the manuscript has been read approved and signed by all authors.

●  A letter from the head of the institution where the work has been carried out stating that the work has been carried out in that institute and there is no objection to its publication in this journal

●  If the article is a whole or part of the disserta- tion or thesis submitted for diploma/degree, it should be mentioned in detail and in this case the name of the investigator and guide must be specifically mentioned.

●  The authors have followed the official secretact. Submissions must be in triplicates with three sets of illustrations. Text must be additionally submitted in a CD/DVD.

Online submission

For Online submission See More 

Editing and peer review

All submitted manuscripts are subjected to scruti- ny by the Editor in Chief/Executive Editor and any other member of the Editorial Board. Manuscripts containing materials without sufficient scientific value and/or a priority issue, or not fulfilling the requirement for publication may be rejected or it may be sent back to the author(s) for resubmis- sion with necessary modifications to suit one of the submission categories. Manuscripts fulfilling the requirements and found suitable for consider- ation are sent for peer review by the subject editors. Submissions found suitable for publica- tion by the reviewer, may need revision/ modifica- tions before being finally accepted. Editorial Board finally seats together and decides upon the publish ability of the reviewed and revised/modi- fied submission. Proof of accepted manuscript may be sent to the authors and should be correct- ed and returned to the editorial office within one week. No addition to the manuscript at this stage will be accepted. All accepted manuscripts are edited according to the Journal’s style.

Reprints for the author(s)

Three copies of each published article will be provided to the corresponding author free of cost. Additional reprints may be obtained by prior request and only on necessary payment.